A relation of the personalities and events that swept up the tiny enclave of Nassau-Ringgwurm and its rulers, the Landgraves of Loseth-Pfaffenhofen, in the tumultuous years from 1688- 1815.
All fictitious of course, but providing a foil to my other historical creation, the House of Bouillon-Cantinat of St. Vignobles in the service of France.
Ludovic-Augustus von Loseth-Pfaffenhofen, "The Black Landgrave"
Lundella's Lane, 1814
*Marching to the sound of indecision* *Unusually*, my friend Giovanni and I
both had the day off last Friday. That gave us a rare opportunity to get
in ...
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Which, if Babelfish is to be trusted and your computer is set up to read
Cyrillic, is Russian for *"Happy Sviatki"*. This being the time for the
Russian Or...
Peter Watkin's "Culloden"
*The* Battle of Culloden offers a somewhat tenuous clue to the identity of
the unfortunate gentlemen referred to in my *previous post*, but is
certainly re...